Purchasing of energy efficient household equipment, electric vehicles, eco-friendly paint
Pollution prevention and control
Environmentally sustainable management of living natural resources and land use
Terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity conservation
Eco-efficient and/or circular economy adapted products, production technologies and processes
Age: Aged between 18 and 60 years
Business Operation: 2 years in operation or can be considered based on owners strong business or income background
Project should provide a clear environmental benefit
Guarantor with stable income source shall be included in the facility (for individuals)
Key Features
Finance Limit: Up to MVR2,000,000
Collateral: Up to MVR250,000 not required, Above MVR250,000 property/vehicle
Loan Tenure: Up to 60 months (05 years)
Grace Period: n/a
Equity: 20% of the cost of energy efficient equipment